Friday, August 14, 2009

The latest on the building search

Here is the latest on the Rock Bridge Chatsworth Building search:

  • While the Harris-Sutton Chevy building remains empty, it is still not available to us in a way that makes sense. I remain in prayer that if God wants us in there HE will make it happen.
  • We do have a building on our radar that holds some interest. It is not something I can say a lot about yet but we are investigating if it can be used, what it will cost to make it usable for church and if it is where God is leading us.
  • Some people have contacted us to discuss the idea of building a building and then leasing it to us with a possible purchase option. I have submitted some floor-plan ideas. PRAY! This would be very cool!
  • Both of the current options require some down time, leading to the question of ‘what to do in the meantime?’ To answer that prayer we are praying and looking into a few temporary locations.

Bottom line: We are comfortably on God’s path to finding the perfect place at the perfect time.

1 comment:

  1. Basically, as you say, we will be where God wants us. He knows where this is and we can't wait to see what he has in store for us. I am stoked!
