Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Another exciting work day...

As summer marches on it continues to bring amazing happenings to Rock Bridge Chatsworth. Our attendance is growing - that's right, while summer typically brings with it a decline in attendance we have seen steady GROWTH. I of course give God all the glory and also acknowledge the incredible work you are doing to invite friends, neighbors and even strangers. After church this last Sunday I was practically tackled by someone that wanted to introduce me to a friend that she had been praying would attend Rock Bridge - and the friend was there - and had asked to come all on her own! Keep it going folks, God is blessing our efforts.

As I write this, we are eleven days from Adventure Week [our VBS styled event] and I am beyond excited about this opportunity to reach tons of kids and their families with the Gospel. We are planning on 150 kids... but with the way things are going... who knows what God has in store?!

That said, we are continuing our major children's area redesign and plan to be done in time for Adventure Week. Last Saturday we had a great group of folks come and we got the ceiling painted tons of classroom prep completed and we got a lot of reorganization done as well. I've ordered some really special backdrops for the hall, a crew is working on a spectacular entry into the hall and the "WOW" factor is going to be massive.

To accomplish the remaining work we have our next work day this Saturday, July 21. We will work from 10:00am until 4:00pm and the work will include:

  • Basic Labor
    • Organize some PVC pipes to ready them for new backdrops in the hall
    • More room organizing
    • Prep curtains for the next work day

  • The design team' will continue the following:
    • Finalizing design plans - if you have artistic vision - get on board!
    • Artistic painting [This is more specialized, but you don't have to be Van Gogh]
    • 3-D Tree creation
    • General decorating to have proper design flow from hallway to rooms

Hope you can join us! Let me know if you have any questions.


Thursday, July 5, 2012

Big Happenings at Rock Bridge Chatsworth!

Tons of exciting stuff happening in our midst this summer and it's just getting started! In the coming weeks we will have our first Adventure Week [VBS on STEROIDS] at Bagley and we're right in the middle of some VERY cool Independence Day [week] activities that have been amazing. Join us Friday night in Eton as we play some Skee-ball, basketball and T-ball with kids!

So what's next? Glad I asked! We are about to embark on an incredible journey to transform our Children's Ministry space into a spectacular jungle/tropical rain-forest. We've collaborated with some incredible volunteers and staff to get a general plan and the new space will ABSOLUTELY ROCK YOUR WORLD. Our very agressive goal is to have the work done in time for Adventure Week which begins on Sunday July 29. This is a perfect time to capitalize on the momentum we are already seeing and it will also give those visiting us an incredible experience and a chance to build on board that momentum!

With that in mind, I will be in contact very soon to give details and work-day schedules that will allow all of us a chance to be part of this incredible journey, it will indeed take an army but I am confident we will get it done and much of the work is easy painting and basic labor.

The first thing we need to do is get both of our storage rooms cleared out so we can convert them to class space that is closer to the lobby. Two amazing volunteers have already cleared one of those rooms so this Sunday we will gather right after service and clear out the other room. I suspect this will take less than thirty minutes.

Here's a look at some pending projects you can help with:

  • Basic labor:
    • Basic painting [Even I can help with this]
    • Getting new storage rooms organized
    • Remove and replace ceiling tiles [Lots of ladder time - but NOT high up]
    • Remove existing and/or hang new themed curtains - GONNA BE AWESOME
    • Possibly some sewing to recover furniture
  • Vic Webb is heading a 'design team' and will need help with the following:
    • Finalizing design plans - if you have artistic vision - get on board!
    • BASIC painting [Even I can help with this]
    • Artistic painting [This is more specialized, but you don't have to be Van Gogh]
    • 3-D Tree design [Steady with a utility knife - not too hard, but slow work]
    • General decorating to have proper design flow from hallway to rooms
You get the point. We are beyond excited about how this transformation will raise our kids ministry to a whole new level - get involved to make it happen!

Please email me at with questions or to volunteer.

More details soon!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July 6 Fireworks in Eton!

I am still in awe at how incredible our folks did at the fireworks in Chatsworth last Saturday afternoon and night. It was SO STINKIN' HOT and nobody complained and even more than that, it was FUN! Our silly attempts to keep cool led to us spraying folks as they went by which ended up being incredibly well received! While I can't totally connect the two, Sunday was among our largest 'holiday' weekend services ever. Just saying.

Our return to the Rec on Sunday was nothing short of spectacular. Watching entire families [young children to the not-so-young] work together to clean up the Rec in over 100 degree weather, and again no complaining was a true picture of the church serving the community.

That said, this Friday, July 6th, is the fireworks celebration at Eton Park in Eton. We will again have a booth setup to focus on helping kids and their families enjoy this event and 'wander the park' to simply help people have a great time. [We will not be giving away water at this event] Here are the details:
  • FRIDAY Afternoon
    • We will begin setting up at 5pm at the Park. We will not know our exact location until then. Feel free to call my cell phone - 706.264.4196 if you can't find us.
    • We are asking our folks to wear the matching t-shirts throughout the day. We still have some shirts available and they will be ready at the booth at 5:30 and they are first come first serve for sizes. If you already have a shirt please save the remainder for new folks. There is no charge for the shirts for Rock Bridge'ers
    • The basic plan is to hang out and show people our Christ filled lives and have fun together [Again, we will not be giving away water at this event]
    • We need two folks [each hour] to commit for one hour during the following hours:
      • 6-7
      • 7-8
      • 8-9
      • 9-10 [Chatsworth started the fireworks at 10:15ish - I suspect the same will be true here]
    • The success of our 'water-squirting' last Saturday leads me to believe we will do this again so If you can bring a cooler FILLED with ice it will help a TON to keep some bottled water [for our volunteers], us and others cool
This is going to be another great night and I am excited to hang out with you!