Thursday, September 24, 2009

Church Visits

As we continue to move toward launching Rock Bridge Chatsworth I am spending some time visiting other churches around the southeast with similar dynamics and mission as our own.

Here are some thoughts on my experiences to date:
  • Make sure you are easy to find. "Signs, signs, everywhere signs..."
  • Small things make a HUGE difference
  • First impressions are hard to get over - good or bad
  • Host team is the first impression - good or bad
  • Technology can make things better
  • Technology can make things worse
  • There is more than one way to do church
  • Excellence from people makes up for mediocrity in atmosphere
  • I'm amazed at how much God is doing in so many places!
  • Saying you are a church that wants to reach the un-churched is different than actually doing it
Rock Bridge is not perfect. We have flawed people working to love Jesus and His people but I am so honored to serve HIm here with these people and I am SO happy to be home this Sunday.

Keep an eye out for some news, we are close to a decision on launch date and location!

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Bridge Baptism has been moved! We'll now meet in the Wink Theatre at
5:00pm today with dinner to follow in Stage 123. We look forward to seeing
you there!


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Favorite Small Group Moments

For the last several years Gail and I have hosted a small group in our home. This last Tuesday was again wonderful which led me to reflect on how much I love this group. So here are some of my favorite small group moments and quotes - in no particular order:
  • "If I could go back in time and change one thing... I'd return to the fifth grade and inform my momma that it is NOT okay for a ten year old girl to have a mullett."
  • The previous quote led to a 'bad hair picture' contest - It was a tie between my own 6th grade picture and the girl-mullett. Pictures will NOT be posted.
  • "These are the best meals we eat all month."
  • "Awesome... ish" [a combination of some of our 'favorite words']
  • "...just pray for my whole family - they're ALL crazy..."
  • "Thank you for helping us while I was without a job."
  • "Thank you for loving me and caring for me through the death of my daughter."
  • "Thank you for your support while my husband is at war."
Do you see it? Do you see the value? Because of this group we are better, because of the love and support we all give each other we are more like Jesus.
  • In small group there is laughter.
  • In small group there is sharing.
  • In small group there is growing.
  • In small group there is healing.
  • In small group there is praying.
  • In small group there are changed lives.
Maybe you can lead a group; or host a group but whatever it takes... get in a group, it will change your life too.