Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Journey Begins...

Rock Bridge is coming to Murray County and on Wednesday, May 13th we held our first informational meeting in Chatsworth. We met at 6:pm for dinner and details at the First National Bank of Chatsworth Community Activities Center. It is awesome to see this first round of people as God has already started calling people to be part of this amazing move of God! So how did we get here you ask?

It's difficult to say when the journey to Rock Bridge Chatsworth began. Maybe it was in 2002 when Matt and Beth Evans were obedient to the call of God to start a new church in Dalton Georgia. More likely however, it was quite some time before that. Whenever it was, it is clear the path has been paved by God.

I can look back and see the hand of God in bringing me to this place. Saved in 1981, 10 years of volunteer ministry service with Young Life and then a move to Chatsworth to serve as the YL Area Director. My arrival to Rock Bridge in 2004 as Young Life in the Dalton area was closing marked the first time I heard Chatsworth mentioned as a place Rock Bridge felt God leading.

In 2007 while volunteering in the RBCC office I began to sense God calling me to offer myself to join the RBCC staff and by April of '07 I was part of this amazing team. I started as an interim kids director with some part time work in my eventual job as associate student minister working alongside Beth. A year later or so I was asked to consider once again splitting my time with the kids team, writing large group curriculum and after a few months it became clear that both ministries needed a full time position and after some prayer I knew it was time to dive into kids ministry full time with our childrens minister, Amanda Welch.

Now, God has opened the door for one more move. I'm working to finish well in my current role and on July first I'll officially begin my journey as the Campus Pastor in Chatsworth. I'm beyond excited, a bit nervous and sometimes scared... just enough to move me to an amazing level of dependence on Jesus.

A great place to be.


  1. We are very excited to be on this journey with you and Gail, and An awesome journey it's going to be. I just love to sit back and watch the Lord work, it's so amazing. We are behind you 100%.

    Cor & Reta Jansen

  2. Awesome! I can hardly wait to see what God has in store for the Chatsworth Campus. Thank you, Gus, for keeping everyone informed.
