When I was 14 my family moved from suburban Los Angeles to suburban New York [moment of silence please] and soon after that I began my high school career. This period of my life is filled with wonderful, interesting and sometimes slightly exaggerated stories that I love to share.
That said, I remember reading the yearbooks at the end of my freshman year and was amazed at how many of the graduating seniors quoted an already aged song. The seniors were each given a half-page to insert pictures, draw, write and generally do pretty much whatever they wanted to celebrate the end of their high school career. And with all that freedom, the overwhelming favorite quote was
"what a long strange trip it's been". I thought it was pretty silly; but now, a 'few' years later I find myself quoting that same line as I think about the journey to this weekend's launch of Rock Bridge Chatsworth.
Here is a quick look back at the
"long strange trip" to Rock Bridge Chatsworth:
- In July of '09 I began my career as Campus Pastor of Rock Bridge Chatsworth
- That same month we began praying for an opportunity to lease the former Harris-Sutton Chevy building
- Soon after that, we were talking to the folks at Appalachian Bank and it looked like like a deal was in our future!
- Then it was clear no deal was to be had that could serve both the church and the bank. No hard feelings - keep looking!
- We looked at endless spaces and simply put - nothing seemed right.
- Then Dr. Bradley from North Murray High School called and offered a tour of the NMHS facility.
- It was just right!
- A few of us visited seven other churches around the southeast and developed a vision for how to transform the school to a church for Sunday mornings.
- Last week that vision came to life and we are ready for launch!
So... to the point of the email; the schedule for setup for launch weekend:
- Saturday 9:00am - 12:00pm Setup teams at NMHS - PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU CAN HELP
- Saturday 2pm - 6pm More setup teams at NMHS Same work, more areas. PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU CAN HELP
- Sunday LAUNCH DAY! 9:15am & 11:00am Church Services
- Sunday after church - Break-down time!
Our team is excited and we can use some more help. If you can join either of our setup times please email me at gus@rockbridge.cc.
Thanks for being part of this wonderful, long, strange trip.